From the idea to manufacturing –
we finalise your product

We turn new ideas into products, or work with you to develop entire transport systems. With the help of rapid prototyping, 3D printers, and 3D processing we can quickly produce prototypes all they way through to test series.
We never lose sight of costs and the agreed upon goals. We monitor the individual project steps as a team with regular design and development reviews. 

Product development

Product development

Systems development

Systems development

Product development

Rubin Screed 6.1

Rubin Screed 6.1

Development of an extension unit that converts the IBEX G2 from Terratec into a laser screed machine.
3D-construction, manufacturing documents and documentation.

Ski skins end hook

Ski skins end hook

Production through rapid prototyping procedure (3D-printer, etc.).
3D-construction, manufacturing documents and documentation.
Touring binding

Touring binding

Component production of a touring binding.
3D-construction, manufacturing documents and documentation.
Energy-saving lamps

Energy-saving lamps

Construction of all components from the idea to the production stage.
Production through rapid prototyping procedure (3D-printer, etc.) and assembly device.
3D-construction, manufacturing documents and documentation.
Contact person

Contact person

Philippe Pulfer
Tel. +41 33 439 80 85
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Systems development

Automatic bicycle silos

Automatic bicycle silos

Development of a bicycle parking system from the idea to the production.
Engineering, specifications, documentation, prototype development and tests.
Monorail Engineering

Monorail Engineering

Consulting and engineering of monorail projects consisting of trains, bogies, allignment, power and speed profile and design of stations and maintenance facilities.
Contact Person

Contact Person

Philippe Pulfer
Tel. +41 33 439 80 85
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Derap AG

Schützenstrasse 19
CH-3627 Heimberg · Switzerland
Tel. + 41 33 439 80 85
Fax + 41 33 439 80 81
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