Swiss engineering for challenging tasks –
we can find your solution

Derap AG is a planning and engineering office for the most challenging of customer projects. We turn your ideas into project-specific solutions, keeping in mind low costs. We work in the following fields:
• Transport systems, monorails and special trains
• Mechanical and system engineering
• Robotic systems
• System engineering, studies and advice
• Development and prototypes

The Derap AG team includes engineers, designers, and apprentices. We continually train our employees with targeted development courses. We also constantly update and optimise our systems in order to meet our customers' precise requirements. We are able to handle fluctuations in capacity and large projects thanks to close collaboration with our partners.

Chuenisbärgli start wall

Chuenisbärgli start wall

Thanks to the newly installed start wall on the legendary Chuenisbärgli, every amateur skier can feel like Marco Odermatt.
SRT 3.0

SRT 3.0

The first vehicles of the third generation were successfully put into operation in China. These multi-articulated vehicles, with a length of over 30 meters, represent an innovative fusion of tram and bus concepts and combine the strengths of both systems to create a new, efficient means of transport.

Rubin Screed 6.1

Rubin Screed 6.1

The Rubin Screed 6.1 is a concrete smoothing machine that delivers such impressive results that only one concreting operation and no surface finishing is required to produce finished floors. The Rubin Screed 6.1 is easy to handle in both manual and remote-controlled operation.


As this video shows, the SRT2.1 not only stands out from the competition with its dynamic driving behaviour, but also with its futuristic design.

Derap AG

Schützenstrasse 19
CH-3627 Heimberg · Switzerland
Tel. + 41 33 439 80 85
Fax + 41 33 439 80 81
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